Tired of lifting those cases of bottled water on the cart, in your car, and to your home or office?

What Makes Us Different

Let us do the heavy lifting for your bottled water needs. We offer a variety of product types and brands at the most competitive prices. 

Gallon Water Delivery Water Coolers

Get better water for your home or office with Culligan's bottled water delivery service. Set the schedule that works for you and enjoy water that's more than 99% pure. 

Culligan has a wide variety of designs and colors that even offer temperature settings, and the space-saving design is spill-proof, using less than one square foot. 

Great-tasting hot or cold drinking water at your fingertips. Cold, refreshing drinking water and steaming hot water for soups, coffee, tea and hot chocolate.


Bottle Free® Coolers

Bottle-Free Cooler

Culligan's exclusive bottle-free cooler was developed to deliver a high-quality, high-performance cooler while keeping ease of service and product longevity a priority. You can introduce your home or office to tastier, healthier water to improve hydration and increase workplace productivity. 

Its modern, free-standing design features an easy access point with a dispensing area large enough to accommodate most beverage containers. The leak detection system and automatic water shut-off are optimized for performance and efficiency, saving you on utilities!

Looking for options? Culligan has it with the convenience of choosing hot, cold or room-temperature water. Additionally, sparkling water models are available with other features such as UV disinfection. 


We're Water Experts

We have been serving Southern California for more than 80 years. As a part of the Hall's Water family of Culligan dealerships, it is our mission to deliver high-quality water treatment products that will benefit every part of our customers' lives. We hope to raise the quality of life by purifying its most essential element: water. Our unrivaled passion for water treatment coupled with the requisite expertise and equipment necessary to treat all of your water problems makes us Ventura's Water Experts! So if you are looking for bottled water delivery, give us a call at (805) 819-5576.


About Culligan:

Culligan’s only business is water treatment. We don’t sell washing machines, or lawn mowers. And since all of our attention is on water, we hold more patents on water treatment equipment and processes than anyone else in the world.

So, you have Culligan International providing the best equipment money can buy, coupled with locally owned stores, whose sole focus is the satisfaction of their customers. That’s a very powerful combination.


We have been providing customized water treatment solutions for 80 years. So whether you are looking for a water softener, a drinking water system, or commercial water treatment, give us a call at (805) 819-5576.

* Contaminants may not be in your water